Family activities for cold winter nights around the fireplace

Winter is the right time of year to make yourself happy and contented by the fire indulging in the little pleasures of life. It’s the perfect season for exciting the senses with flickering flames, tasty beverages and sweet smelling candles. So, we suggest making your fireplace the focal point of long winter nights together with the family.
Roasting Marshmallows/Indoor picnic
You can eat whatever food you desire. After all, it’s your winter’s night to enjoy. But it’s a tradition passed down through the ages to toast food over the fire. It will be the most fun and the most engaging way to cook and will make you feel a little elemental.
Classic toasted cuisine includes marshmallows and chestnuts. Use skewers for the marshmallows and nestle the chestnuts in the grate near the heat. You’ll be rewarded with tasty aromas and full bellies.
Board Games
Ask yourself this question. Do you want to see dad lose everything at Monopoly for not investing in Bond Street? Would you like to invest in Bond Street and watch dad get a bit sulky before he offers you toasted marshmallows as winnings? Of course you do.
Board games let the family indulge their dramatic side. There will be triumph. There will be tribulation. There could be treats, depending on the games and prizes you choose. It’s the ideal way to let off steam and get passionate about a silly pastime.
Video game marathon
If you’re young enough to know how to play, you’ll love spending an entire night working through your entire video game collection. What you might not realise is, it’s great fun to get mum and dad to play, too. If you have any motion tracking games, this adds another layer of hilarity. If not, Mario Kart is sure to bring out the competitive streak in everyone.
Get out the family photo albums
Ah, nostalgia. Photo albums provide it in spades and are a soothing way to reflect on the holidays, birthdays and happy occasions you’ve shared. They’re also a reminder that there are more adventures and good times ahead. What better way to share this family moment, than by the fireside?
Story night
We recommend fantasy or science fiction for reading aloud. You’ll be surprised how good you are at bringing characters to life and how exciting reading together beside the fire can be. Think of a film adaptation that you admire and find the original novel. Hey presto, you have the perfect reading material. We’ve heard a certain boy wizard franchise is a hoot to read aloud.
Arts and crafts nights
Everyone can pitch in for an arts and crafts night. Either choose a single project to tackle together, like homemade cards and toys, or bring separate projects to the table to ensure each member of the family is happy. Modelling kits and scrapbooking are an alternative that is just as good for old fashioned analogue fun. All the paper off-cuts will make great kindling for the next night’s fire.
The fireplace isn’t just a secondary source of heat. Make it the glue that binds your family together this winter. To ensure your fireplace is winter ready, we recommend contacting a professional chimney sweep for an inspection and clean.
London Chimney Sweeps proudly keep the capital’s fireplaces and flue networks smoking happily all year round. We’re a traditionally reliable, courteous and efficient company but we also use the latest in remote visual technology to inspect your chimneys and flues. The enjoyment of your fire and safety around open flames is our priority. So, to make your fireside ready for winter fun, contact us today. We’re always happy to help.
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